Good Drivers Wear Seat Belts
The other day, we were asked why we train dogs to behave correctly off-leash, when there are leash laws requiring dogs to be on-leash in public.
I thought back to when I learned to drive. Everybody learns how to drive fairly early in their lives. It doesn’t take a long time to train yourself how to behave correctly behind the wheel. The seat belt may be the law, but it’s really just a safety device in case of emergencies or accidents. It is not an excuse to drive poorly. A good driver relies on his own good driving.
A good dog owner relies on his dog’s good behavior, not on the leash.
The seat belt is for safety and emergencies. A leash is for the same. However, it cannot replace good behavior.
Have your dog wear a leash in public for safety, but train your dog to behave well without one.