Is it a “shock” collar?

When some people hear the words “remote training collar,” “electronic collar,” or “e-collar,” they think “shock collar.” However, with 100+ levels you can choose from, they do so much more than “shock.” They are a wonderful way to communicate with your dog at a distance and off leash.

From childhood, we are taught to fear electricity, with good reason. Don’t stick a fork in an electrical outlet. Don’t touch a downed power line. So when we discuss the e-collar, people may think “shock” and “taser” and fear the worst.

But that is not the case with today’s e-collar.

When our students feel what the collar can do, as every person tries it on before we fit it on their dog, they are amazed at the sensation.

Most people says it feels like a tickle.

Nothing at all like they assumed.

Now, the dog does not have the fear of electricity that their owners do, so they do not expect the taser. They are open and receptive to this new form of training, which includes using less spatial pressure, and the ability to break thru the distraction of another dog, or a squirrel, by finding that just right level.

Before some students start, they ask how long their dog will have to wear the collar, thinking of it as a punishment. But once they start training with it, and see how much their dog enjoys this new way to communicate, and the teamwork and Freedom it offers, they ask what more they can do with this wonderful training tool.

Of course, there are right and wrong ways to use the e-collar. We have plenty of YouTube videos on our channel, and the book we give to all our students – Freedom, Remote Collar Training – is available on Amazon and Apple iBooks.


Every Dog Needs A Job


“Shocking” Kerrie